It's just something my imagination conjured up - it has no conciouse meaning that I'm aware of. It's phonetic value feels right for a pen name for me. Pointless excercise of anonymity, for your blog site captures my email address and first name I think. You may very well meet me soon anyway
Actually, my blog site doesn't capture your name and email address, not so far as I can tell. I don't particularly bother with that aspect, not for this medium.
I likewise enjoy Air. They're compositions seem to make one's thoughts stream forth like poetry. It's very appropriate accompaniement to visuals.
I left you a brief comment on your piece about the predator.
Yes, I found the comment, and "commented" back.
I'm curious about the name you've chosen.
It's just something my imagination conjured up - it has no conciouse meaning that I'm aware of. It's phonetic value feels right for a pen name for me. Pointless excercise of anonymity, for your blog site captures my email address and first name I think.
You may very well meet me soon anyway
Actually, my blog site doesn't capture your name and email address, not so far as I can tell. I don't particularly bother with that aspect, not for this medium.
Nevertheless, I have a pretty good guess.
verification word: syhvlet
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