August 18, 2006

Time Flies...

Get this video and more at

Be patient, this video has some blank play in the beginning. And the text didn't translate well in Quicktime. At the end, it reads, "Time flies, and we fly with it"


Anonymous said...

I likewise enjoy Air. They're compositions seem to make one's thoughts stream forth like poetry. It's very appropriate accompaniement to visuals.

I left you a brief comment on your piece about the predator.

famjaztique said...

Yes, I found the comment, and "commented" back.

I'm curious about the name you've chosen.

Anonymous said...

It's just something my imagination conjured up - it has no conciouse meaning that I'm aware of. It's phonetic value feels right for a pen name for me. Pointless excercise of anonymity, for your blog site captures my email address and first name I think.
You may very well meet me soon anyway

famjaztique said...

Actually, my blog site doesn't capture your name and email address, not so far as I can tell. I don't particularly bother with that aspect, not for this medium.

Nevertheless, I have a pretty good guess.

famjaztique said...

verification word: syhvlet