Thanks. I've never made up my mind about this photograph. Some days I like it, I feel something when I look at it, and other days I reject it wholly. Friday, I was just looking for something to put up, to let people know I'm still here, and things are germinating.
dramatic photograph
I love the stark black & white color scale
Thanks. I've never made up my mind about this photograph. Some days I like it, I feel something when I look at it, and other days I reject it wholly.
Friday, I was just looking for something to put up, to let people know I'm still here, and things are germinating.
here is a quintain to jumpstart these germinating things
redorange glow
glorious seasonal
shift into soul's darkness into
a quintain is a form of lyrical poetry that is 5 lines in 2-4-6-8-2 syllabic form
now you write one
it's a challenge
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