Where Did She Come From?

Today, she and I were driving around looking for a parking spot, and in one of the few parking lots, there was a car just sitting, idling. The first time we drove by, we looked in and took note that the occupants of the car were a young, good-looking couple. As I drove past the car several minutes later, for the second time, I wondered aloud what they were doing just sitting there. It was annoying me for no particular reason. I thought maybe they knew something I didn't, like that in two minutes half the stuffed parking lot would clear out, and they were just patiently waiting for some prime downtown parkage.
After I grumbled to myself, "what the heck are they doing?", my daughter promptly replied, "They're being hot...just give them a minute".
Out of the mouths of babes...
heh heh
she's a beautiful baby - just like you
thanks John, she is a beautiful girl.
Yes, I can't believe I didn't post when I first read this last week: she's terrific, and what a great story.
She keeps me on my toes!
I like your blog. And I like your name.
jwfbean, thanks and thanks. Hope you visit again, though lately I've been quiet.
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