March 13, 2006

Things That are...Simple Pleasures

Dear readers,

This is Post III in the "Things That are..." series. It is meant to be a call and response. I do hope that you will add your own items to the list in the comments.

"If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections, and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures in which no alloy can possibly mix, then that study is not befitting the human mind." Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Things that are...Simple Pleasures...

* Socks...of the cashmere, fuzzy, colorful or knee high variety...
* Hot tea with honey...
* Laughing...
* A favorite pair of jeans...
* Strangers smiling at one another...
* Hearing the first movement of water in the Spring...
* Cinnamon toast...
* Bare feet in cool grass...
* The delightful owners of my local market...
* Fresh warm strawberries straight off the vine after working in the sun...


ttractor said...

oh gosh, you know I can go on forever...

the first bare ankles of spring; a round cake of new soap; listening to Chopin in the bathtub; steaming milk for my morning latte; changing the quote on my refrigerator; the smell of him on my sheets when he is not there...

Dr. S said...

clean-shaven legs under blue jeans; birds riding thermals over my yard; a colleague asking me to lunch; the blooming of tiny flowers; the obscure barking of sleeping dogs (I can't take credit for that one--that's Erasmus Darwin); freshly washed flannel sheets; nuthatches hopping head-first down trees; accepted confidences; the tiny crack of a hardback book upon first being opened.

(I'm arbitrarily stopping myself here.)

famjaztique said...

New soaps and fresh, soft flannel sheets...there are so may simple pleasures! And dr. s...I limit myself too so that others may add. None of these lists are ever exhaustive and generally reflect immediacy in my world (though the strawberries are a memory).

Another simple pleasure? Knowing someone is reading your thank you, both of you for your comments.