March 07, 2006

Little Women

Just starting to read Little Women. One of those classics I should have read and never did. When my daughter was younger, her favorite movie was Little Women with Katherine Hepburn. She loved Jo. Now she loves "13 Going on 30" with Jennifer Garner. How do these things happen?


ttractor said...

something about their stiff upper lippedness bugged the crap out of me when I was younger and I never could finish it. Not that I am not stoic as hell, I guess I just have always been but without overall climate of compassion or faith.

Hmm. tell me how you like it...

famjaztique said...

My professor calls it "discipline".

In reading it, you must remind yourself that it was meant as a children's book. That helps.

ttractor said...

it irritated the punk out of me even when I was a child. I was a stoic then too! and I have been called higly dsciplined, although that cracks me up.