March 02, 2006

Another New Blog

This will be my third. I feel like I want to settle somewhere but each blogspot has its perks and quirks.


famjaztique said...

Oh, I'm not planning on maintaining three blogs....just saying that I can't pick a blog and be happy.

Is it Tina's birthday?

famjaztique said...

restlessgypsy...I tried to link to you but your page won't show up. And I don't know who you are now!

Anonymous said...

Frou Fox,
I know the gardner of which you speak...


famjaztique said...

Dear Whatever,

If you know then I guess who you are. *smirk*


Anonymous said...

Dear Frou,
You are Foxy.


Hi to Alaina(sp?)

famjaztique said...

Hmmm, perhaps I don't know who you are...I'll need a hint.

Anonymous said...


I already gave you one.


famjaztique said...

Well I'll need another one Whatever because the clue you gave me could be more than one person...

Anonymous said...

Hi Foxy,
Been a while, how are you?

Ask Alaina if she remembers Whatever. She may not.

I like your shots. You never sent me mine.

Be well,